Data Science: The four (and a half) metrics to understand your model
Forecast Bias, Mean Absolute Error, Mean Squared Error and Root of it, Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error: use them and be sure that you produce the best models...
Toolbox: K-means algorithm
K-means clustering class for local experiments...
Spatial Interpolation 101: Variance and Dataset Dimensions
The semivariance is a crucial concept of spatial statistics. We’ve made initial steps to understand it in the previous article when we discovered basic statistical parameters: the mean and the standard deviation. Here we are going a step further, and we look into the variance....
Data Science: Leave GeoPandas and Create Beautiful Map with pyGMT
How to create a beautiful map with Python and pyGMT...
Toolbox: Get all files of a specific type from a given directory in Python
How to get a list of paths to the files with a specific extension in Python....
Toolbox: Dask – Drop Rows with Specific Substrings
Remove rows with a specific substring from Dask DataFrame...
Data Science: Interpolate Air Quality Measurements with Python
How to get dense and continuous map from point observations in Python...
Toolbox: Check if the text from DataFrame is a part of another phrase with Python and Pandas
Test if a record from DataFrame is a part of other phrase...
Spatial Interpolation 101: Statistical Introduction to the Semivariance Concept
You don't understand Kriging? In this part we will build a core of our mental model to understand this spatial interpolation technique...
Toolbox: Drop Duplicated Geometries from GeoDataFrame
We should avoid .drop_duplicates() method from Pandas!...