Data Science: Moving Average or Moving Median for Data Filtering – Time Series
Moving Mean or Moving Median for Time Series filtering?...
Geostatistics: Theoretical Variogram Models
Comparison of different semivariogram models...
Data Science: The four (and a half) metrics to understand your model
Forecast Bias, Mean Absolute Error, Mean Squared Error and Root of it, Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error: use them and be sure that you produce the best models...
Toolbox: K-means algorithm
K-means clustering class for local experiments...
Spatial Interpolation 101: Variance and Dataset Dimensions
The semivariance is a crucial concept of spatial statistics. We’ve made initial steps to understand it in the previous article when we discovered basic statistical parameters: the mean and the standard deviation. Here we are going a step further, and we look into the variance....
Data Science: Leave GeoPandas and Create Beautiful Map with pyGMT
How to create a beautiful map with Python and pyGMT...
Data Science: Interpolate Air Quality Measurements with Python
How to get dense and continuous map from point observations in Python...
Spatial Interpolation 101: Statistical Introduction to the Semivariance Concept
You don't understand Kriging? In this part we will build a core of our mental model to understand this spatial interpolation technique...
Spatial Interpolation 101: Interpolation in Three Dimensions with Python and IDW algorithm. The Mercury Concentration in Mediterranean Sea.
Move from the 2D interpolation into the 3D interpolation with the Inverse Distance Weighting algorithm....
Data Science: Text Matching with Python and fuzzywuzzy
Sentence matching in Python....